David Zondray

David Zondray

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Recognize Barcode from PDF & Manage OLE Objects in MS Excel

Mar 21 2014 1:02 PM

What's New in this Release?

We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose for Cloud With this new release, the create, read, manipulate and export features are greatly improved. You can add, update or delete pictures and OleObjects, and set different options including auto-fit rows when saving Excel workbooks as other formats. You can also convert remote PDF files, rotate barcodes and recognize barcodes from PDF documents. Some new symbologies including AustralianPostEParcel, Code16K, ISBN, ISMN and ISSN are supported, and we have added FNC stripping and image processing features including Grayscale, Median Smoothing, Invert Image and Complex Background. In addition to that, the features to split and save Word documents as other formats features now support more formats and export options. The execute mail merge template feature now supports cleanup options and the execute mail merge feature supports name attribute when passing XML data. Several UI and API issues have also been fixed in this release. Following are some important enhancements made to different Aspose for Cloud APIs.

  • Convert PDFs from Remote Server – This feature allows you to convert Adobe Acrobat PDF files uploaded at a remote server. You can pass url and format parameters to specify URL to PDF and output format and use PUT method of convert resource to convert remote PDF files.
  • Add OleObject – This feature allows you to add a new OleObject in a Microsoft Excel worksheet. The oleobjects resource can be used and a PUT request can be sent (specifying options for OleObject) to add a new OleObject.
  • Update OleObject – This feature allows you to update a specific OleObject in a worksheet. The oleobject resource can be used and a POST request can be sent (specifying options to update) to update an existing OleObject.
  • Delete OleObject – This feature allows you to delete an existing OleObject from a worksheet. The oleobject resource can be used and a DELETE request can be sent to delete a specific OleObject.
  • Add a Picture – This feature allows you to add a new picture in a worksheet. The pictures resource can be used and a PUT request can be sent (specifying options for picture) to add a new picture.
  • Update a Picture – This feature allows you to update a specific picture in a worksheet. The picture resource can be used and a POST request can be sent (specifying options to update) to update an existing picture.
  • Delete a Picture – This feature allows you to delete an existing picture from a worksheet. The picture resource can be used and a DELETE request can be sent to delete a specific picture.
  • Split Word Documents – This feature allows you to convert all or specific pages of a Microsoft Word document to your desired format. The split document feature was already supported but now supports new formats including OpenXPS, PS and XamlFlow.
  • Save Word Documents as Other Formats – This feature allows you to save Word documents as any supported format. This feature was already supported but now supports DigitalSignatureDetails and EncryptionDetails options for PDF format and LeftPaneControlFlags and TopPaneControlFlags options and logo image for SWF format.
  • Merge Multiple Presentations – This feature allows you to take all or selected slides from multiple PowerPoint presentations and merge them into a new presentation in your required order. You can use the mergePresentations resource and send a POST request (sending presentation paths in request body) to merge all slides and send a PUT request (sending presentation paths and indexes of selected slides in the request body) to merge selected slides in your specified order. This feature can also be used in combination with the Create PowerPoint Presentations feature to create new presentations from existing presentations.
  • Barcode generation and recognition features are greatly improved. These improvements include the following:

ü  Support more Symobologies – Newly supported symbologies include AustralianPostEParcel, Code16K, ISBN, ISMN and ISSN.

ü  Support FNC Stripping

ü  Support BinarizationHints

ü  Support Rotating Barcodes before Recognition

ü  Support Barcode Recognition from Scanned PDFs

·         The following issues have been fixed in Aspose for Cloud UI:

ü  Fail to sign up using Google account.

ü  Check upload file size.

ü  Fix missing 'Terms of Use' and 'Privacy Policy' links on Sing Up page.

In addition to the above features, several bugs have been fixed and several enhancements have been made to Aspose for Cloud APIs.

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose for Cloud documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose for Cloud for performing different tasks like the followings.

- Barcode Recognition Operation: http://www.aspose.com/docs/display/barcodecloud/Recognize+operation

-  Convert PDF from Remote Server to other Formats: http://www.aspose.com/docs/display/pdfcloud/Convert+PDF+from+Remote+Server+to+other+Formats

Overview: Aspose for Cloud

Aspose for Cloud is a cloud-based document generation, conversion and automation platform for developers that offer a unique suite of APIs to work with Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations, PDFs, and email formats and protocols. It supports all features for file processing, document scanning, barcodes creation and recognition, and allows extracting text or images too. You can also work with SaaSpose APIs using REST SDKs that can be called from .NET, Java, PHP and Ruby etc.

More about Aspose for Cloud

-  Homepage of Aspose for Cloud APIs Suite: http://www.aspose.com/cloud/total-api.aspx

-  Online documentation for Aspose for Cloud: http://www.aspose.com/docs/dashboard.action

-  Download available Aspose for Cloud SDKs: http://www.aspose.com/blogs/aspose-products/aspose-for-cloud-apis.html

Contact Information

Aspose Pty Ltd, Suite 163,

79 Longueville Road

Lane Cove, NSW, 2066



Phone: 888.277.6734

Fax: 866.810.9465