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reading a text file, line by line and put it in 3D array in C#

Oct 31 2008 9:12 AM

I have a text data file including Double type data ,  as below;
x x x x
x x x x
x x

How to read this data file line-by line from left to right and put them in a 3D array(in C#). The order of numbers in data file  is in the way that first i changes from 0-75, then j to 139 and then k to149.
it means the filling procedure is like this

reading to array from (0,0,0)  to (75,0,0) then (0,1,0) to (75,1,0)...   then(0,139,0)to(75,139,0)
(0,0,1) to(75,0,1) then(0,1,1)to(75,1,1)...    then(0,139,1)to(75,139,1)
(0,0,149)to(75,0,149) then (0,1,149)to(75,1,149) ...then(0,139,149)to(75,139,149)

Thanks alot for your Help

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