Dong Lam Trien

Dong Lam Trien

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Read, write and processing each row of a gridview ?

Nov 23 2015 9:57 PM
1. While running loop to browse handle each record in Form1 and assign into cell with string: "processing" it is not assign "processing" when it runs through, when loop end new assignment string "xxx.." into cell, are you know why ? , While tracking Debug.Print command ("Processing... "); ran pass
bool bCalculator = false;
while (i < gridView1.RowCount)
gridView1.SetRowCellValue(i, "Status", "Processing..."); 
gridView1.RefreshRow(i);  // Not working
//gridView1.RefreshData(); // Not working
Debug.Print("Processing... ");
bCalculator = objclsProcessing.Calculator(row);
2. While running GridView1 not show the flow (row of gridview) is running?