Sousa Pambo

Sousa Pambo

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Read txt array on c#

Mar 1 2014 3:29 PM
Hi fellows, I need your help on this I have a ..... "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.\r\nParameter name: index"}..... Error
public ArrayList lineAccess=new ArrayList();
public void configTxt(string ficheiro)
StreamReader conjLines;
string lines;
conjLines = new StreamReader(ficheiro);
lines = conjLines.ReadLine();
while (lines != null)
lines = conjLines.ReadLine();
catch (Exception erro)
throw erro;
this is my connection method, and I get the server name at some txt file
public string conectaSql(int i)
//string connectionString = Properties.Settings.Default.ConnectionString;
string dv = "";
string mysql = "select configura from conStringTbl where id= '" + i + "'";
using (SqlConnection myconn = new SqlConnection("Persist Security Info=False;Server=" + lineAccess[0] +"; DataBase=dbconString; user=ka; password =newbegining"))
using (SqlCommand comand = new SqlCommand(mysql, myconn))
SqlDataReader dtreader = comand.ExecuteReader();
if (dtreader.Read())
dv = dtreader[0].ToString();
return dv;
catch (Exception erro)
throw erro;
on form login load I get the parameter 
private void frmLogin_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
CG.configTxt(@"c:\program Files\a.txt"); 

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