Willie Bwalya

Willie Bwalya

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RDLC Report based on column criteria

Aug 10 2020 5:03 AM
Item_Code Category_ID Category_Name Closing_Stock_Qty Stock_Age
1246060 12 Children shoes 20 2
1246061 12 Children shoes 25 5
1246062 12 Children shoes 60 2
4246060 14 School books 50 6
4246061 14 School books 20 2
4246062 14 School books 50 2
5246060 15 Mobile phones 25 2
5246062 15 Mobile phones 60 5
5246061 15 Mobile phones 30 2

I have the table shown above. I want to make an RDLC report which can filter the above table and

Produce the report based on the stock_ age. That is I want to have a summary report based on the stock_age and grouped by category_name . For example I want to filter according to stock_age =2

and get the following report:

Category_Name Closing_Stock_Qty Stock_Age
Children shoes 80 2
School books 70 2
Mobile phones 55 2

I have tried to use


Kindly assist me to sort out this issue since Iam new to C# rdcl reports.

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