Mohammad Aman

Mohammad Aman

  • Tech Writer
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Random and Multiple URL re-writing for a single page

Dec 22 2016 12:38 AM
I am developing a  web application in Asp.Net C#. I have a filter with four options. user can select anyone from that filters and then URL will be changed according. I am writing rules for them in my Global.aspx file. I have implemented urls but those are not perfectly working.
I am giving you my webiste link to check urls
URL are not working according to  filters
here is my website link 
my code is here  
routes.MapPageRoute("event-listing-city", "{city}/events/{category}/{PriceRange}/{EventEntry}/{PropertyType}", "~/EventListing.aspx", false, new RouteValueDictionary {{"category", "all"}, {"PriceRange", "price"}, {"EventEntry", "entry"}, {"PropertyType", "ptype"} });
routes.MapPageRoute("event-listing-zone", "{city}/{zone}/events/{category}/{PriceRange}/{EventEntry}/{PropertyType}", "~/EventListing.aspx", false, new RouteValueDictionary {{"category", "all"}, {"PriceRange", "price"}, {"EventEntry", "entry"}, {"PropertyType", "ptype"} });
routes.MapPageRoute("event-listing-locality", "{city}/{zone}/{locality}/events/{category}/{PriceRange}/{EventEntry}/{PropertyType}", "~/EventListing.aspx", false, new RouteValueDictionary {{"category", "all"}, {"PriceRange", "price"}, {"EventEntry", "entry"}, {"PropertyType", "ptype"} });