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question using datagrids

Jan 6 2005 6:31 AM
hi all, I would be veru grateful for a little help here I want the first set of results from the first query and the first set of results from the second query on the same line, and so on. So far it is returning the first set of results and below that it returns the second in the same data grid. OleDbDataAdapter dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(commandString, connectionString); DataSet dataSet = new DataSet( ); dataAdapter.Fill(dataSet); DataTable dataTable1 = dataSet.Tables[0]; DataGrid1.DataSource = dataTable1; DataGrid1.DataMember= "set1"; dataAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(commandString1, connectionString); dataAdapter.Fill(dataSet); dataTable1= dataSet.Tables[0]; DataGrid1.DataSource =dataTable1; DataGrid1.DataMember="set2"; DataGrid1.DataBind();