From another assembly(by having a copy of it in the same folder) it just runs perfectly despie of the fact that i have written version= in the code !As a matter of fact changing the version seems to have no effect on the runability of the code.Why is it so ?
QUESTION NUMBER TWOFor the TypeOf() function to work correctly u need to give it a string representing the fully qulalified name of the type u wish to return.For all types in the current assembly and mscorlib.dll u dont need to give any other information except the name of the type.Example TypeOf("System.Int32");For extenal private assembly we have to write the name of the assemly as well.Type.GetType("mylibrary.procsharp, Mylibrary);U dont have to write version and other information.but when u r referring to a type (not in mscorlid, but in BCL) u give the other info. too like.
Type t = Type.GetType("System.Data.DataTable, System.Data , Version=1.0.5000.0 , Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089", true, true);Why is this difference.Also: Lets talk about uniformity In this code Type.GetType("mylibrary.procsharp, Mylibrary);does the compiler make any default assumption about the verion culture etc ?