I'm new to programming and for last couple of weeks I'm working a project. In this project I stumbled on a problem and questions related to it, because i couldn't find the right answer (most of them were close to it and so on). In this program you can search for a movie, save it to MySQL database, view its info and so on. So my problems and questions are:
I know the post is long, but as I said these are more of clarification questions more than anything so I could finally wrap my head around, because for the last hours, even a day, I tried to solve this problem and had these questions.
P.S. I know I didn't post any code, because it's really long and messy in my program, but if anyone wants to see it to understand more it's available at https://github.com/KarlisAG/Movie-Project/tree/master/Project_Movie/Project_Movie (the following DBConnection is in Database folder in the said .cs). Only when I finish the program and it works like I want it, then I will make it a lot shorter and hopefully cleaner (atm it repeats a lot and many parts are probably un-needed, but this is a first big project that's why it is really messy).
P.S.S. Additional question to a problem I'm trying to solve now. I have a listview and when user clicks on columns it sorts it, but the problem is it only does it for the title and not other parameters if the user clicks on different columns ( ) and whenever user opens different UserControl and returns to the one with listview then the table is still sorted (by title) but the other columns are shown as blank spaces -> how and why does this happen?
(asc is a bool with which the program knows if it is in ascending order at that time or now)
Thank you to anyone in advance!