The code is:string conn_str="Provider=MSDAORA.1;User ID=navuser2;Data Source=orcl;Password=navuser2";
OleDbConnection conn=new OleDbConnection(conn_str);conn.Open();OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand();cmd.CommandText = "select * from TEST";cmd.Connection = conn;OleDbDataAdapter adap=new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd);DataSet dtset=new DataSet();adap.Fill(dtset,"test");DataTable tab1;tab1=dtset.Tables["test"];int a=600;string b="axxxxx";string ins="Insert into test values (" + a + ",'" + b + "'" + ")";DataRow r1;r1=tab1.NewRow();r1[0]=a;r1[1]=b;tab1.Rows.Add(r1);adap.InsertCommand=new OleDbCommand(ins,conn);adap.Update( dtset, "test");conn.Close();
//---end of code----------In the above code, don’t u think there is redundancy of code. 1st we are writing SQL to insert data, then we are exclusively specifying individual fields of rows(e.g. r1[0]=a ). Is there anyway to avoid this? My question is why we are doing the same thing in 2 ways? suppose there are 15 fields. in that case, along with query, we will have to mention 15 fields also.How to avoid this?