Ihave below query and i want if no record exists then in a variable No value should gets stored else Yes
SELECT 'Invoice',T0."TransId" , T0."DocNum", T0."DocDate",T0."BPLName", T0."CardCode" FROM OINV T0 INNER JOIN CRD1 T3 ON T0."CardCode" = T3."CardCode" INNER JOIN INV12 T5 ON T5."DocEntry" = T0."DocEntry" LEFT JOIN "LIVE"."@EINV" T4 ON T0."DocEntry" = T4."U_UTL_BaseEntry" where T0."CardCode" = T3."CardCode" and T3."GSTRegnNo" <> '' and T0."DocEntry" NOT IN (Select A4."U_UTL_BaseEntry" from "LIVE"."@EINV" A4 where A4."U_IST" <> 'F' )