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Query regarding Thread Pool Settings in Machine.Config

Jul 13 2017 10:18 AM


Currently I am working on fine tuning the IIS 8.5 settings.

The CPU is 6 core and RAM is 16 GB

I have set all the Perfmon counters for general and IIS as per below link :

Now after observing the Perfmon, I found that ASP.NET\Request Wait Time is taking more than 5 seconds.

So I need to fine tune the Thread Pool settings in machine.config as in below link :

Currently there is no thread pool settings in machine.config, it is <processModel autoconfig = “true”>.

So please advise that can I update the thread pool settings as below :

Thread pool setting in Machine.config

maxconnection 12 * #CPUs

maxIoThreads 100

maxWorkerThreads 100

minFreeThreads 88 * #CPUs

minLocalRequestFreeThreads 76 * #CPUs

As I need some basis to change the default Thread Pool Settings.

Or what Perfmon counters should I need to study in-order to change the default Thread Pool Settings.

Please suggest.

Thanks in advance.