Dear C-sharper, I'm quite new in programming. I'm writing because i'm stuck with a script (using private variables). I simply would like to create a list of gameobject (instead of having only one, like actually is the script) to spawn while tapping the screen. The script is already written. I need to change lines 34/35 and 124 i guess. I tried diverse methods but with any success. I'm wondering if you can help me to fix the problem. thanks in advance.
I tried:
//public GameObject[] PlacementObjectPf;
Also public List<GameObject> _placedObjects = new List<GameObject>();
Very best, Chiara
The script:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Niantic.ARDK.AR; using Niantic.ARDK.AR.Anchors; using Niantic.ARDK.AR.ARSessionEventArgs; using Niantic.ARDK.AR.HitTest; using Niantic.ARDK.External; using Niantic.ARDK.Utilities; using Niantic.ARDK.Utilities.Input.Legacy; using Niantic.ARDK.Utilities.Logging;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Niantic.ARDKExamples.Helpers { //! A helper class that demonstrates hit tests based on user input /// <summary> /// A sample class that can be added to a scene and takes user input in the form of a screen touch. /// A hit test is run from that location. If a plane is found, spawn a game object at the /// hit location. /// </summary> public class ARHitTester: MonoBehaviour { /// The camera used to render the scene. Used to get the center of the screen. public Camera Camera;
/// The types of hit test results to filter against when performing a hit test. [EnumFlagAttribute] public ARHitTestResultType HitTestType = ARHitTestResultType.ExistingPlane;
/// The object we will place when we get a valid hit test result! public GameObject PlacementObjectPf; //public GameObject[] PlacementObjectPf; NOT WORKING WITH THE LINE 124
/// A list of placed game objects to be destroyed in the OnDestroy method. private List<GameObject> _placedObjects = new List<GameObject>();
/// Internal reference to the session, used to get the current frame to hit test against. private IARSession _session;
private void Start() { ARSessionFactory.SessionInitialized += OnAnyARSessionDidInitialize; }
private void OnAnyARSessionDidInitialize(AnyARSessionInitializedArgs args) { _session = args.Session; _session.Deinitialized += OnSessionDeinitialized; }
private void OnSessionDeinitialized(ARSessionDeinitializedArgs args) { ClearObjects(); }
private void OnDestroy() { ARSessionFactory.SessionInitialized -= OnAnyARSessionDidInitialize;
_session = null;
ClearObjects(); }
private void ClearObjects() { foreach (var placedObject in _placedObjects) { Destroy(placedObject); }
_placedObjects.Clear(); }
private void Update() { if (_session == null) { return; }
if (PlatformAgnosticInput.touchCount <= 0) { return; }
var touch = PlatformAgnosticInput.GetTouch(0); if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) { TouchBegan(touch); } }
private void TouchBegan(Touch touch) { var currentFrame = _session.CurrentFrame; if (currentFrame == null) { return; }
var results = currentFrame.HitTest ( Camera.pixelWidth, Camera.pixelHeight, touch.position, HitTestType );
int count = results.Count; Debug.Log("Hit test results: " + count);
if (count <= 0) return;
// Get the closest result var result = results[0];
var hitPosition = result.WorldTransform.ToPosition();
_placedObjects.Add(Instantiate(PlacementObjectPf, hitPosition, Quaternion.identity)); var anchor = result.Anchor; Debug.LogFormat ( "Spawning cube at {0} (anchor: {1})", hitPosition.ToString("F4"), anchor == null ? "none" : anchor.AnchorType + " " + anchor.Identifier ); } } }