abdelwaheb ammar

abdelwaheb ammar

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protected property of parent class

Nov 30 2015 5:24 AM
Hello I use a parent class property called "Contribuable" and then I called in a derived class called "ContribuableMoral" during execution but it appears to me in the null derived class method.
public class contribuable
protected string MATRICULE_FISCALE;
public contribuable(string _matricule_fiscale)
this.MATRICULE_FISCALE = _matricule_fiscale; //example MATRICULE_FISCALE=123456789
public void insertContribuable()
string sql = "insert into CLIENT (MATRICULE_FISCALE)values('" +this.MATRICULE_FISCALE +"')"; //MATRICULE_FISCALE=123456789
class ContribuableMoral:contribuable
public ContribuableMoral()
public void InsertionMorale()
string sqlMorale = "insert into CLIENT_MORALE(MATRICULE_FISCALE) values('" + MATRICULE_FISCALE + "')"; //MATRICULE_FISCALE=null
normally ownership relatives told the class can be called to the derived class?!!!!!!!!!!! 

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