Glenn Patton

Glenn Patton

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Problems with File Access.....

May 11 2012 5:56 AM
Hi All,

I am having an issue using C# to read or write a simple file.  The issue has cropped up as for a new project a directory structure is required, this structure is created by the installer. I have noticed when I run the installer from the debug mode it creates a Windows shortcut to the C: drive, but does create the struct needed ( C:\Data\BAK) the short cut appears in the Data directory.
My main issue how ever is that the directory(s) can't be seen or the file can't be read to
I have followed the steps in the below tutorial and tried means I have used in the past   to write CSVs.

he error appears to be it can't see the file but if I manually create it the debugger says it can't be accessed very confused!


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