ÃHmed Élkady

ÃHmed Élkady

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problem with checkbox and arabic when insert to sql server

Sep 4 2015 1:05 AM
i had a group of check boxes that insert the checked values in 1 row each time  by this code

SqlConnection sqlcon = new SqlConnection();
sqlcon.ConnectionString = @"Data Source=(local);Initial Catalog=cleopatra;Integrated Security=True";
List<string> checks = new List<string>();
foreach (Control cont in this.groupBox1.Controls)
if (cont is CheckBox)
if (((CheckBox)cont).Checked == true)
checks.Add(((CheckBox)cont).Text.ToString() + " , ");
SqlCommand sqlcmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO pateint (mm) VALUES ( '" + string.Join(" ", checks) + "')", sqlcon);

and it insert as ???? marks i make it nchar and collation arabic

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