Problem when debugging add-in in Visual Studio.NET

Feb 10 2006 12:05 AM
Hi folks,

I encountered a weird problem: I created an add-in in, I debug it, for the first time, no problem the add-in will be listed on the tool menu and be debugged.

However, when I want to do the same debug again, it won't show up, instead, I got the following three error messages('AutoFormat is the name of my add-in:

Could not copy temporary files to the output directory.

The file 'AutoFormat.dll' cannot be copied to the run directory. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

The file 'AutoFormat.pdb' cannot be copied to the run directory. The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

Then I found this article in MSDN which says the problem is a bug.;en-us;313512

After quit and delete some files, now the VS lets me to start debugging, however, problem still comes up:

my add-in is not listed on the Tool menu. (It is listed there at the first time) 


