K S Reddi Prasad

K S Reddi Prasad

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Problem when addinag a RibbonLabel to the Ribbon in word 2007

Jun 7 2011 6:54 AM

Hi all,

        Currently i am working on Ms-Word 2007 Addin. Here I am using an xml file to generate the Ribbon labels dynamically. Please find the attached xml code.




        <GroupLabel>Document  Information</GroupLabel>




            <LabelText>Reference No:</LabelText>




            <LabelText>Reference Type:</LabelText>




            <LabelText>Created By</LabelText>




            <LabelText>Document Type:</LabelText>




        I am getting this xml and my code follows like this:

XmlNodeList labelGroupsList = xmlDoc.DocumentElement.SelectNodes("//Groups/LabelGroup");


foreach (XmlNode group in labelGroupsList)


                rGroup = new RibbonGroup();

                rGroup.Name = group.SelectSingleNode("GroupName").InnerText;

                rGroup.Label = group.SelectSingleNode("GroupLabel").InnerText;


                XmlNodeList labelElements = group.SelectNodes("Labels");

                foreach (XmlNode labelList in labelElements)


                    XmlNodeList labels = labelList.SelectNodes("Label");

                    foreach (XmlNode label in labels)


                        rLabel = new RibbonLabel();

                        rLabel.Name = label.SelectSingleNode("LabelName").InnerText;

                        rLabel.Label = label.SelectSingleNode("LabelText").InnerText;

                        rLabel.Enabled = true;

                        rLabel.ShowLabel = true;






  I am getting  problem when i am adding the Label to the Group(as indicated in green color).if  that line is commented, i will get an empty group.

  Please help me adding the label to the group.

K.S. Reddi Prasad.

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