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Problem using ASP.NET 2.0 Membership and Roles

Mar 29 2006 6:46 AM


I have set-up my web app to use ASP.NET 2.0 membership and roles. It

works OK on my local Windows XP Professional PC but when I upload the

site to our Windows 2003 development server it doesn't. The local and

development server web sites both point to the same SQL Server 2005

database (located on the development server). When I connect to the

development server web site and enter my (correct) username and

password using the Login Control I just get the standard message 'Your

login attempt was not successful. Please try again.' When I change the

development server web.config to use no authentication or authorisation

(i.e. remove the respective tags) then I can interact with the site

fine. There's obviously some difference between the 2 machines but I

cannot spot it.



PS: Please copy in any replies to my email ([email protected])

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