problem in reading XMLSchema..................URGENT!!!!!!!!!!

Aug 20 2007 7:46 AM

I'm using .net 1.1
Now I have tried with the code:

System.Text.ASCIIEncoding  encoder=new System.Text.ASCIIEncoding();
byte bytes=encoder.GetBytes(p_strXmlFrag);    //Here its giving error
MemoryStream ms=new MemoryStream(bytes);
XmlWriter writer=XmlWriter.Create(ms);   //Here it could not find create method
XmlTextReader.xmlFile=new XmlTextReader(ms);
I'm also pasting the total method code to make it clear:
public static bool Validate(string p_strMmlFrag, out string p_strErr)
//starting of if statement
  if m_xsc==null)
    m_xsc=new XmlSchemaCollection();
       string path=AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory+m_strSchema;
        if (!File.Exists(path))
        XmlTextReader xmlFile=new XmlTextReader(path);
        m_ifSchema=XmlSchema.Read(xmlFile, new ValidationEventHandler (ValidationCallBack));
        //Error rises in the above line as the destination file path (stored in path variable), I have just created (the file) and it's definitely empty. I tried the above mentioned solution but it's giving error!!!!!!!!

// ending of if statement
private const string m_strSchema="StructureLinkage.xsd"
private static XmlSchemaCollection=m_xsc;
private static XmlSchema m_ifSchema;
// For the first time only m_xsc in null and after that it does not need to enter into above block of code once m_xsc is instantiated.