Problem in C#: You must get fully dressed before leaving the house !!!

Sep 22 2012 10:41 AM
Can anyone please tell me how should I approach this problem in C#, what would be best way to solve this problem by keeping in mind the best possible design (pattern) approach, any help is greatly appreciated.
Problem: You must get fully dressed before leaving the house
At the start, assume you have PJ's on
Only 1 piece of each item of clothing may be put on
You cannot put on socks when it is hot
You cannot put on jacket when it is hot
Socks must be put on before footwear
Shirt must be put on before headwear and jacket
Pants must be put on before footwear
Pajamas must be taken off before anything can be put on
You cannot leave the house until all items of clothing are on (except socks and a jacket when it's hot) 
If an invalid command is issued, please respond with "fail"
Input: Temperature type (HOT|COLD) and a comma separated list of numeric commands
Command   | Description | Hot Response | Cold Response
1 | Put on footwear | "sandals" | "boots"
2  | Put on headwear
 | "sunglasses" | "hat"
3 | Put on socks | fail | "socks"
4 | Put on shirt | "shirt" | "shirt"
5 | Put on jacket | fail | "jacket"
6 | Put on pants | "shorts" | "pants"
7 | Leave house | "leaving house" | "leaving house"
8 | Take off pajamas| "Removing PJs" | "Removing PJs"

Here are some example scenarios
Input: HOT 8, 6, 4, 2, 1, 7
Output: Removing PJs, shorts, shirt, sunglasses, sandals, leaving house
Input: COLD 8, 6, 3, 4, 2, 5, 1, 7
Output: Removing PJs, pants, socks, shirt, hat, jacket, boots, leaving house

Input: HOT 7
Output: failure
Input: HOT 8, 6, 6
Output: Removing PJs, shorts, fail
Input: HOT 8, 6, 3
Output: Removing PJs, shorts, fail
Input: COLD 8, 6, 3, 4, 2, 5, 7
Output: Removing PJs, pants, socks, shirt, hat, jacket, fail
Input: COLD 8, 6, 3, 4, 2, 5, 1
Output: Removing PJs, pants, socks, shirt, hat, jacket, boots, fail
Input: COLD 6
Output: fail

someone please help ASAP ..please 

Answers (2)