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Problem in build the application from different computer

Jun 27 2007 5:38 AM

We two(myself and colleague) have been working in a dot net windows application (framework 1.1). we are working from different location. After he made some changes on files , he will send me the files and ask me to  build the application.. problem is, when i build(from local machine) and install the application in remote server, one functionality that is creating a temp folder in c drive and copy files on to that folder is not working. but when he builds the application and install it in remote server he could able to run the application without getting any error.

Myself and my colleague having the same set of files and the configuration..  only difference is he has administrator right to his developement machine.. but i have the administrator right for programfiles folder and its subfolders alone.. will it be the reason ? or any other...

One more thing is i created a test application from my development environment that Visual studio 2003. the application in turn creates a folder in the c drive . The folder gets created when i install the .MSI file and run the application from remote server .

thanks in advance for your suggestion and replies.. plz advice me..