Problem controlling size of Ribbon Textbox

Feb 22 2010 5:31 AM

i have the following problem:

i have a ribbon control with a ribbon tab. inside the ribbontab i have a ribbongroup. inside this group i have a ribbon textbox. so far so good. the xaml code looks like this:
 <r:RibbonTab Label="Tab Nr 1">
<r:RibbonGroup Width="400">
<r:RibbonCommand LabelTitle="group 1" />
<r:RibbonTextBox Width="250" Text="bla"/>

What i want to do is to get a textbox with a larger width.
in this case using the code above the textbox still has the same width but the textbox allocates space. have a look at the picture below.
is it possible to have a ribbon textbox with a larger width without having space allocated but visible from the start???
i hope you understand my problem. greetings from germany!


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