I want to connect an Oracle DB and do some works. So I add the "System.Data.OracleClient;" from references and my all codes are below;
string connectionString = "Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=;User Id=user;Password=password;"; OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(connectionString); conn.Open(); string query = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE LOCATION='" + textBox2.Text + "' "; OracleDataAdapter oadp = new OracleDataAdapter(query, conn); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); oadp.Fill(ds); dataGridView1.DataSource = ds; conn.Close();
The problem is, sometimes it is connecting to DB and sometimes its getting this error;"ORA-12545: Connect failed because target host or object does not exist error. ". And getting error on conn.Open() line.
I have no idea what is the problem? Why is this so hard to connecting to a Oracle DB? What should I install to my system?