Okay, I am trying to make a simple text game. Things were going so well, but then this little guy crept in here.Maybe you can see something I can't? The compiler is telling me that the variable I am trying to return has not been initialized. I know that I initialized the variable in the first few lines, I just didn't assign it a value until later on. The only way that bCanMoveN could possibly remain null is if my switch statement ended up using the default variable. I tried assigning a value in the default case (for whatever reason), but it still gives me the same message. What gives?--Use of unassigned local variable 'bCanMoveN'--
public class Movement{public static bool CanMove(string strMoveCurrentRoom, char chaDirection){bool bCanMoveN;bool bCanMoveE;bool bCanMoveS;bool bCanMoveW;switch (strMoveCurrentRoom){case "FRONT YARD":bCanMoveN = true;bCanMoveE = false;bCanMoveS = false;bCanMoveW = false;break;case "LIVING ROOM":bCanMoveN = true;bCanMoveE = true;bCanMoveS = true;bCanMoveW = true;break;default://error in method CanMove(). Nonexistant room.break;}return bCanMoveN; <- error is here.}}