Antonio Marques

Antonio Marques

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Printing - Migrating from VB6 to C#

Nov 17 2010 10:42 AM

Hi everyone


I'm a Visual Basic 6 (VB6) developer for about 10 years...

Finally I've decided to go for a new language… and choose Visual C# (now on VS2010).


My main programs in VB6 were working with printers using the Printer.CurrentX, Printer.CurrenY and Printer.Print… for invoice emission.


But now in VC# is a little different, mainly regarding when we want to have more than one page in one document (I know about the HasMorePages flag…).


Just to give you a example how is my standard coding in VB6 regarding invoices:


Private sub printInvoice()


Dim adoCust     As ADODB.Recordset

Dim adoDet      As ADODB.Recordset

Dim newLine     As Integer

Dim fontHeight  As Double


    Set adoCust = New ADODB.Recordset

    Set adoDet = New ADODB.Recordset


    fontHeight = 5


    adoCust.Open "Select * from tabCustomer order by idCustomer", adoCon, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly

    Do Until adoCust.EOF


       'Address and some other client data saved on tabCustomer

       Printer.CurrentX = 10

       Printer.CurrentY = 10

       Printer.Print Trim(adoCust.Fields("CustName") & "")


       '... some more adoCust fields....


       'now lets go for the invoice details

       adoDet.Open "select * from tabInvoiceDetails where idCustommer =" & Val(adoCust.Fields("idCustomer")) & " order by idDetail", adoCon, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly

       newLine = 0

       Do Until adoDet.EOF


            Printer.CurrentX = 10

            Printer.CurrentY = 10 + newLine * fontHeight

            Printer.Print Trim(adoDet.Fields("Date") & "")

            Printer.CurrentX = 20

            Printer.CurrentY = 10 + newLine * fontHeight

            Printer.Print Trim(adoDet.Fields("Description") & "")

            Printer.CurrentX = 60

            Printer.CurrentY = 10 + newLine * fontHeight

            Printer.Print Trim(adoDet.Fields("Value") & "")


            '... some more adoDet fields....



            newLine = newLine + 1


            If Not adoDet.EOF Then

               If newLine = 50 Then

                  'we put over here the second page


                  newLine = 0

               End If 'newLine = 50 Then

            End If




       If adoCust.EOF Then

          'we finished the print document with n pages



          'we go for a new page because there are more invoices


       End If




    Set adoCust = Nothing

    Set adoDet = Nothing


End Sub


Now my question is: with this new (at least to me) C# how is the best way to do it? My main concern is that we need to exit the printDoc_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e) and have the flag HasMorePages = True to force to have a new page and then get back to continue the invoice printing…I will loose the ID on the Customer and also for the details… keep ids and get back… this is half way to make a mistake on printing…


Thanks for your help.

Best regards,


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