In a simplified lotto game, six numbers between 1 and 49 are generated for a player and one number also between 1 and 49 is generated for the computer. The computer's number is then compared with each of the six numbers of the player. If there is a match the player wins.
• Create a new "Windows Form" project "Question 2" and create an interface as in Figures 2.1 and 2.2.
• The form contains a globally defined object to create random numbers.
• When the "Play" button is clicked:
o Randomly generate six numbers between 1 and 49 for the player. o Use a globally defined array to store the generated numbers. o Display the generated numbers in a listbox.
o The label is used to specify the number of draws.
o For the computer- generate a random number between 1 and 49 and display it in a textbox.
o Count the number of wins and the number of losses. A win is determined by comparing the computer's generated number to see if it matches a number in the array of the player.
• When the "Show" button is clicked, the number of losses and number of wins should be displayed in the ListBox.