CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION master.chkbypram(schemaname text,state text,wallmaterial text,roofmaterial text) RETURNS SETOF refcursor AS $BODY$ DECLARE Resulttable refcursor; tblinclusion text; Begin tblinclusion = 'inclusion'||'_'|| $2 ; if ( (execute 'SELECT exists(select schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata WHERE schema_name = '||$1||')')and ( execute 'select exists(select * from information_schema.tables where table_name='||tblinclusion||')') ) then OPEN Resulttable FOR execute ' select * from '||$1||'.'||$2 using schemaname,state; RETURN NEXT Resulttable; else execute 'CREATE SCHEMA '||&1 using schemaname; tblinclusion = 'inclusion'||'_'|| $2 ; execute 'create table '||&1||'.'||tblinclusion||' AS select * from master.population_2 where statecode = '||$2 || 'and distinct_key not in ( select distinct(distinct_key) from master.population_2 where ( statecode = '||$2 ||'and cast (substr(population_2.hhd_housingcodes, 4) as int ) >= 4 and substr(population_2.hhd_housingcodes, 1,1) in (SELECT code FROM regexp_split_to_table('||$3||', E',') AS code) and substr(population_2.hhd_housingcodes, 2,1) in (SELECT code FROM regexp_split_to_table('||$4||', E',') AS code) ) or statecode = '||$2 ||'and ( cast (substr(population_2.hhd_assetcodes, 4,1) as int)=3 or cast (substr(population_2.hhd_assetcodes, 5,1) as int)=1 or cast (substr(population_2.hhd_assetcodes, 3,1) as int)=1 ) or statecode = '||$2 ||'and ( (cast (substr(population_2.hhd_assetcodes, 1,1) as int)=1 and cast (substr(population_2.hhd_assetcodes, 2,1) as int)in(1,3) and cast (substr(population_2.hhd_assetcodes, 6,1) as int)=1) or (cast (substr(population_2.hhd_assetcodes, 1,1) as int)=1 and cast (substr(population_2.hhd_assetcodes, 2,1) as int)in(1,3) and cast (substr(population_2.hhd_assetcodes, 4,1) as int)=1) or (cast (substr(population_2.hhd_assetcodes, 1,1) as int)=1 and cast (substr(population_2.hhd_assetcodes, 6,1) as int)=1 and cast (substr(population_2.hhd_assetcodes, 4,1) as int)=1) or (cast (substr(population_2.hhd_assetcodes, 2,1) as int)in(1,3) and cast (substr(population_2.hhd_assetcodes, 6,1) as int)=1 and cast (substr(population_2.hhd_assetcodes, 4,1) as int)=1 ) ) ) ' using schemaname, state,wallmaterial,roofmaterial; OPEN Resulttable FOR execute ' select * from '||$1||'.'||tblinclusion using schemaname,state; RETURN NEXT Resulttable; end if; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql
ERROR: type "execute" does not exist LINE 1: SELECT ( (execute 'SELECT exists(select schema_name FROM inf...