<ITEMS> <NAME></NAME> <NAME></NAME> <URL></URL> <URL></URL> </ITEMS> so my ComboBox only shows the first name element and the first url element...any help will be great...thanks
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); darkred]doc.Load("ComboItemName.xml"); XmlNodeList Nodes = doc.GetElementsByTagName("NAME"); foreach (XmlNode node in Nodes) { NewNameLoad = node.InnerText.ToString(); } XmlNodeList NodesA = doc.GetElementsByTagName("URL"); foreach (XmlNode node in NodesA) { NewUrlLoad = node.InnerText.ToString(); } comboChannels.Items.Add(new RSSChannel(NewNameLoad, NewUrlLoad)); // And select the first one comboChannels.SelectedIndex = 0;