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Please help me get my javascript popup window to show

Oct 22 2006 4:33 AM

Hi everyone,

I'm programming in VB.NET but I think that the coding for a javascript is the same.

I've been trying to pass a parameter to my popup window but I still can't do it.  I think that I am close because a browser window opens but it's a "Page cannot be found" page. 

Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?  Do I need the javascript function and the inline javascript?  Here's my code:

I started with the <head> tag

<script language=javascript>

function openPopup()


window.open("largerImage.aspx","title", "Height=300px, Width=300px");






Here's my Hyperlink.  The part I'm having problums with is the NavagateUrl attribute. 

<asp:HyperLink ImageUrl = '<%# "../images/" + DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ImagePath") %>' runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%# javascript:var openPopup = window.open("largerImage.aspx?Param1="& DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"Name")%>> ' ID="Hyperlink1"></asp:HyperLink>

Why won't my popup window show?  Thanks for any help with this one.

Answers (2)