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Performing Multiple Joins in EF

Aug 19 2016 9:33 AM
Hello everyone 
i want to perform joins in EF from SQL statement but, i tried to but i stopped because i feel that there's somthing wrong.
this is SQL statement:
  1. Select i.cdin_cdindexid,p.pinv_PerformaInvID,coalesce(i.cdin_serial,0) as depno   
  2.                              ,coalesce(convert(datetime,left(convert(nvarchar,i.cdin_startunstufdate,120),10),120),'-'as deidate,coalesce(i.cdin_goodsDesc,'-'as gooddesc ,coalesce(i.cdin_Customdeclar,'-'as custdec   
  3.                              ,coalesce(i.cdin_NoofPackages,0) as pkg,coalesce(i.cdin_WT,0) as wt ,coalesce(i.cdin_volumewt,0) as vwt ,coalesce(i.cdin_MortgageAmount,0) as lcamt,coalesce(p.pinv_name,'-'as invno,coalesce(p.pinv_TotalAmount,0) as invamt,p.pinv_Status,p.pinv_InvoiceProperty as prop   
  4.                              ,coalesce(c.comp_name,'-'as custname,coalesce(Comp_CompanyId,'-'as custid ,coalesce(c.comp_idcust,'-'as accpacno,coalesce(t.Terr_Caption,'-'as Terr,convert(nvarchar,'01',2) as type       
  5.                              from cdindex i inner join   company c on i.cdin_CompanyId =c.Comp_CompanyId  inner join Territories t on i.cdin_Secterr =t.Terr_TerritoryID left outer join PerformaInv p on i.cdin_cdindexid=p.pinv_CDIndexId   
  6.                              where(cdin_deleted Is null And c.comp_deleted Is null And t.Terr_Deleted Is null And p.pinv_deleted Is null)  
  7.                              and cdin_startunstufdate between '2016-06-01' and '2016-07-28'  
  8.                               and (p.pinv_status in('Draft','Posted'or pinv_status is nulland (p.pinv_InvoiceProperty ='01' or p.pinv_InvoiceProperty is null )  
 This is the  code i tried to type in EF 6.0/C# 
  1. (from i in db.CDIndexes  
  2.                  join c in db.Companies on i.cdin_CompanyId equals c.Comp_CompanyId  
  3.                  join t in db.Territories on i.cdin_Secterr equals t.Terr_TerritoryID  
  4.                  join p in db.PerformaInvs.DefaultIfEmpty() on i.cdin_CDIndexID equals p.pinv_CDIndexId  
  5.                  where (i.cdin_startunstufdate>= new DateTime(2016 - 06 - 01) && i.cdin_startunstufdate>= new DateTime(2016-06-28) &&  
  6.                  p.pinv_Status is 'Draft' || p.pinv_Status=='Posted')  
 i have a big issue with implementing leftouter join and the where cluase conditions.
can anyone help me with this code 
Or if the sql select statement is complex like that is there any way to code an application with EF. 
thank you all  

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