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PDC 2003 & Longhorn SDK

Oct 27 2003 5:06 PM
Ha wow this is so sweet. Check this out guys, fresh outta the PDC 2k3 bucket o' goodies: Looks like Longhorn will be the first .Net operating system - no more will we have to dig around and P/Invoke the Win32 API. Those days will be all but gone - managed Longhorn interfaces will finally put that to rest, thank God. Combine that with Aero, Avalon, rights management, a shift toward service-oriented software design, WinFX ("an evolution in the .Net programming model"), WinFS file system based on the brand spanking new SQL server Yukon, XAML Longhorn markup language - damn have I said enough? I think Microsoft finally hit the nail on the head with this one - methinks .Net is finally starting to make some sense business-wise.

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