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Passing values between two windows form

Oct 9 2015 8:28 AM
Hello everybody!
I am a  relatively new member but I read the article here for a long time. I am also a beginner in C# programming, so please have a bit patience with me ;)
Now to my problem:
I tried the application which was explained in the article by Nilesh Jadav "Send Email To Gmail Using GmailSend.dll "! It works excellent.
I decided, I could expand the application, only as an exercise for me.
The authentication happens in a second form. In the second form the user is requested to enter the credentials.  After this the user clicks on submit.
And now  really my problem: how do I get the user credentials,  which stored in the variables "MailAddress" and "Password", in to the first form?  
If you have any further questions, please write me! 
Thank you very much in advance for your answer! 
Please find the attached code!
Kind  regards from Austria

Attachment: code.zip

Answers (1)