Wayne Wood

Wayne Wood

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Passing parameters to C# class arrays

Sep 28 2015 8:59 PM
I am a new student to C# and am looking for some guidance please.
In the example that I am working, I have  a form that gets customer data filled in. That data then gets passed to a customer class. I need to store the input for x number of customers in an array, and later print out the information.The problem I keep finding is I can initialize the array, but when I return to the main program and then return with the next set of data, the array and the data is gone and I get an error.
How do I get the array to maintain the data until I either close the program or delete the array?
Thank you in advance for any assistance.
My code in the class is as follows:
 public clsCustomers(string CustName, int AccountNo, int InputCount, int TotalCount, double AccountBalStart, double TotalPurchases, double TotalPaidMonth) //6 Parameters Passed
   if (InputCount == 0)
   CustData = new clsCustomers[TotalCount];
   viCustomerCount = TotalCount;
     CustData = new clsCustomers[InputCount];

      CustData[InputCount] = new clsCustomers();
      CustData[InputCount].CustName = CustName;
      CustData[InputCount].AccountNumber = AccountNo;
      CustData[InputCount].AccountBalStart = AccountBalStart;
      CustData[InputCount].TotalPurchases = TotalPurchases;
      CustData[InputCount].TotalPaidMonth = TotalPaidMonth;
      CustData[InputCount].vdAccountBalMonth = AccountBalStart + TotalPurchases - TotalPaidMonth;

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