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Pass Data between MDI & Child form

May 6 2009 12:44 PM

Hi Guys,
       I am new to c# so please bear with me. I am trying to write a small MDI application and I need help. Here is what I am trying to do.
 I have few child forms in my application. Every child form have public function GetStr that returns the values of controls as a string & a button btnLoad.
        I want to create a toolbar button on MDI form when user clicks it, it will get string from Active child form executing function GetStr. Also I want to create one more button when clicked, it will execute click action of btnLoad of the active child form. And this code should work for all forms.
 I found few samples over the net but those are not working for me. I tried using "using" clause but it didnt work either because it returns value when form is initialized. I am using VS 2008.
 Any idea how do I achieve this most efficient way? Sample code is apprciated.

Thank you for you help in advance.
