Udi Goldstein

Udi Goldstein

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Parse csv

Jul 4 2011 7:09 AM

I'm trying to parse a csv file using a code i've found on line:


private DataTable ParseCSV(string path)if (!File.Exists(path))return null;string full = Path.GetFullPath(path);string file = Path.GetFileName(full);string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(full);//create the "database" connection string

string connString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"+
"Data Source=\"" + dir + "\\\";"+

"Extended Properties=\"text;HDR=No;FMT=Delimited(=)\"";//create the database query

string query = "SELECT * FROM " + file;//create a DataTable to hold the query results

DataTable dTable = new DataTable();//create an OleDbDataAdapter to execute the query

OleDbDataAdapter dAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter(query, connString);try{

//fill the DataTabledAdapter.Fill(dTable);

{ }
dataGridView1.DataSource = dTable;

catch (InvalidOperationException /*e*/)return dTable;

Only problem is that my delimiter is an equal sign (=), and the code doesn't delimit it even though i tried to put the equal sign. I just get one column with the undelimited data, instead of two seperate columns.

Why is this happening? is there a solution for that? or is there other way of parsing csv right?

Answers (3)