Rahul Lakshakar

Rahul Lakshakar

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Paging in details view control

Apr 1 2017 11:29 AM
i am trying to use paging in detailsView control using a button means i am trying to change the content of detailsView control ( means if it first time showing one row the on click next button it has to show next row of data base but it's not working)
please guide me....
my front end code:
<asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView1" CssClass="DetailsView1" runat="server" CellPadding="6" ForeColor="#333333" AutoGenerateRows="false"
GridLines="None" AllowPaging="True" OnPageIndexChanging="DetailsView1_PageIndexChanging1">
<table id="Question_view_table">
<td style="height:20px"></td>
<td style="font-family:'Times New Roman'; font-size:18px; ">
<label id="Question_detail"><%# Eval ("Question") %></label>
<td style="font-family:'Times New Roman'; font-size:18px;">
<ol style="list-style:upper-alpha">
<label id="optn1"> &nbsp&nbsp<%# Eval ("Option1") %></label></li>
<label id="optn2"> &nbsp&nbsp<%# Eval ("Option2") %></label></li>
<label id="optn3"> &nbsp&nbsp<%# Eval ("Option3") %></label></li>
<label id="optn4"> &nbsp&nbsp<%# Eval ("Option4") %></label></li>
my back end code:
private int btn_no, question_id = 1;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!SM1.IsInAsyncPostBack)
Session["timeout"] = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(20000).ToString();
Button[] BtnArray = new Button[btn_no];
string strimgpath = "image/not_attempt.png";
String strImgLocation = "url('" + strimgpath + "')";
for (int i = 0; i < btn_no; i++)
BtnArray[i] = new Button();
BtnArray[i].Width = 30;
BtnArray[i].Height = 30;
BtnArray[i].Text = Convert.ToString(i + 1);
BtnArray[i].Style.Add("margin", "5px");
BtnArray[i].Style.Add("outline", "0px");
BtnArray[i].Style.Add("background-image", strImgLocation);
BtnArray[i].Style.Add("background-repeat", "no-repeat");
BtnArray[i].Style.Add("background-size", "contain");
BtnArray[i].Style.Add("background-color", "transparent");
BtnArray[i].Style.Add("border", "none");
protected void getQuestion()
string constr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conn"].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr);
string SelectQuestion_String = "Select * from Questions where ExamName = 'Demo'";
SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(SelectQuestion_String, con);
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(com);
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
btn_no = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows.Count.ToString());
DetailsView1.DataSource = dt;
Ques_No_label.Text = "Question" + " : " + question_id + " <span style='font-size:15px'>of " + btn_no + "</span>";
protected void button_save_next_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
DetailsView1_PageIndexChanging1(sender, args);
public DetailsViewPageEventArgs args { get; set; }
protected void DetailsView1_PageIndexChanging1(object sender, DetailsViewPageEventArgs args)
DetailsView1.PageIndex = args.NewPageIndex;

Answers (1)