I have two columns highlighted that are extra additions to make paging work. it is not correct i believe i need to unite tables first than combine the two extra parameters later to get the total rows returned and ROWID for paging functionality to operate proper.
SELECT TOP(@PageSize) FROM ( SELECT RowID = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY datentime DESC), Inbox_ProductID, Inbox_RefItemID, TotalRows=Count(Inboxid) OVER(),* InboxID, inbox_messages.ID , MessageType, SenderID, RecieverID, [Subject], Body, Datentime, Sender_Status, Reciever_Status
FROM Inbox_Messages
UNION SELECT RowID = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY datentime DESC), ProductID, RefItemID, TotalRows=Count(id) OVER(), id, DISPUTE_INBOXID, MessageType, SenderID, RecieverID, [Subject], Body, Datentime, Sender_Status, Reciever_Status
)A WHERE A.RowID > ((@PageIndex-1)*@PageSize)