Steve Nicco

Steve Nicco

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Operator '+' cannot be applied to operands od type 'Point'

May 16 2018 11:18 AM
I am trying to send image on secondary display and this is a part of code which intends to set its coordinates to 0,0 position
  1. if (frP2 == false)  
  2. {  
  3.    Screen disp = null;  
  4.    form2.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual;  
  5.    disp = Screen.AllScreens[1];                    
  6.    form2.Location = disp.Bounds.Location + new Point(0, 0);  
  7.    form2.Show();  

Visual Studio returns an error: "Operator '+' cannot be applied to operands od type 'Point'". What to use instead of "+" in this case?

Answers (3)