Opening a form without focus

Oct 19 2005 11:16 AM


I have a requirment where in I have to show a child form without
losing the focus of the invoking form/mdi form.

My application shows a Popup window rising from the task bar.
This popup form is invoked by the main MDI form which handles
several events from the server. Based on the event type I create
an instance of the popup form and show the Popup form. During this
period the MDI form loses its focus. Once the Popup goes down, the
MDI form regains focus.

I have used ShowWindow(this.Handle, 4) API call which in turn is supposed to open
a form without focus.
But still this does not work.

Is there anybody who can suggest me the solution for this problem.

Any help/suggestion is hightly appreciated.

[email protected]