chris jones

chris jones

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onpaint WebBrowser control can not be overiddren

Dec 15 2006 9:54 AM

I just playing with the WebBrowser control, I want a long green line drawn across the page.

My code is below but the onPaint method neaver gets called, in the document the method are not set to final.

class MyNewWebBrowser: System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser{

public MyNewWebBrowser(){
SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);

protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e){
Graphics g = e.Graphics;

// Create a new Pen object.
Pen greenPen = new Pen(Color.Green);

// Set the width to 6.
greenPen.Width = 6.0F;

// Set the DashCap to round.
greenPen.DashCap = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashCap.Round;

// Create a custom dash pattern.

greenPen.DashPattern = new float[] { 4.0F, 2.0F, 1.0F, 3.0F };

// Draw a line.

g.DrawLine(greenPen, 20.0F, 20.0F, 100.0F, 240.0F);

// Change the SmoothingMode to none.

g.SmoothingMode =


// Draw another line.

g.DrawLine(greenPen, 100.0F, 240.0F, 160.0F, 20.0F);

// Dispose of the custom pen.



