Danish Habib

Danish Habib

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online users calculation

May 22 2015 3:23 AM
This line in my aspx page gives exception
below are the global.asax code
Sub Session_End(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Application("OnlineVisitors") = (CType(Application("OnlineVisitors"), Integer) - 1)
End Sub
Sub Session_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If Session("LoggedInUserId") Is Nothing Then Response.Redirect("Login.aspx", True)
' Application("OnlineVisitors") = (CType(Application("OnlineVisitors"), Integer) + 1)
Application("OnlineVisitors") = (CType(Application("OnlineVisitors"), Integer) + 1)
'If Session("LoggedInUserId") IsNot Nothing Then
' GetDays()
'End If
' AutoChecked()
End Sub
Sub Application_Start(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Application("OnlineVisitors") = 0
' Fires when the application is started
Dim whenTaskLastRan As DateTime
whenTaskLastRan = DateTime.Now
Dim D2 As DateTime = DateTime.Now()
End Sub

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