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One logic for Time period...

Sep 29 2014 11:00 AM
Table: "CODE"

Table: "CONTROL"
Data             8_12h14_16hPasswordResult   
14/09/20141    1            42            2 

With these two tables I need to  make some logic. 
A)In the "CODE" table there is the password 42. Then when this password it's found in it's should save it in the "CONTROL" table (column "password"). If its doesn't found it in the CODE table its cannot save it in the CONTROL table.
B)but if the password it's found in the "CONTROL" table (mean that he already been in the table).  Then it's should make a filter bringing to appropriate textboxes.  Make an "update" to save the record (but in certain period as explain it in "C")
C)But there is a condition: the record should be saved in some unique period.  For example, ONLY between 8h-12h and between 14h-16h.  Any records cannot be saved between 12h01-13h59 (MUST be rejected in this period)
D) in making updating where there is already a number it's cannot save TWICE. Only on other column respecting period time.
Then see what I try to do: search, showing datas to textboxes and updating. The problem is ONLY on the point "C" (how to make saving in certain period ONLY one day ONCE)

Research process:

private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string connectionString = @"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\INAC\Documents\Windows_Application_Samples\Saving_in_table_choosing_time\\app_data\office.mdb;Persist Security Info=False";
            OleDbConnection sqlCon = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
            string commandString = "select * from tempo where password ='" + textBox1.Text + "'";
            OleDbCommand sqlCmd = new OleDbCommand(commandString, sqlCon);
            OleDbDataReader read = sqlCmd.ExecuteReader();

            if (read.HasRows)
                while (read.Read())
                    textBox2.Text = read["data"].ToString(); // it will show the code
                    textBox3.Text = read["8_12h"].ToString(); // it will show the code
                    textBox4.Text = read["14_16h"].ToString(); // it will show the code
                    textBox5.Text = read["password"].ToString(); // it will show the code 
                    textBox6.Text = read["result"].ToString(); // it will show the code 

                MessageBox.Show("A record with a code of " + textBox1.Text + " was not found");


Saving process:

            oleDbCmd.Connection = Conn;
            oleDbCmd.CommandText = "insert into tempo (data, 8_12h, 14_16h, password, result) values ('" + this.textbox1.Text + "','" + this. Textbox2.Text + "', '"
                + this.Textbox3.Text + "','" + this.Textbox4.Text + "','"
                + this.Textbox5.Text.Text + "');";
            int temp = oleDbCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
            if (temp > 0)
                textbox1.Text = null;
                textbox2.Text = null;
                textbox3.Text = null;
                textbox4.Text = null;
                textbox5.Text = null;                

                MessageBox.Show("Not save");

Answers (1)