mahesh waghela

mahesh waghela

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? On Mechanism Of Crystal Reports On Loading Reports

Oct 9 2011 8:14 AM

I have a Crystal Reports Loading issue in C#-2005 and I have google for it and found in most of case that to initialized a Crystal Reports it takes times for creation their assemblies and object.

I have not found any genuine solution for it.

My reports take a minute to load the reports and it's not good sign for my project.

Is there a mistake in mechanism of Crystal Reports?. Or any solution available for it?.

The Details of My Reports

I have prepare a reports by Crystal ReportViewer is as Follow:

        string connstr = "server=.;initial catalog=maa;uid=mah;pwd=mah";
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(connstr);

string view = @"select opbalDR,opbalCR,transID,companyID,date,name,particulars,debit," +
" credit,narrat,exporter,address,add1,add2,add3,add4,add5,periodfrom,periodto" +
" from LedgerView where companyID=@companyID" +
" and name between @name1 and @name2";

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(view, con);
.Parameters.AddWithValue("name1", textBox1.Text);
.Parameters.AddWithValue("name2", textBox2.Text);
.Parameters.AddWithValue("companyID", label1.Text);

SqlDataAdapter dap = new SqlDataAdapter();
.SelectCommand = cmd;
DataSet7 d7 = new DataSet7();
.Fill(d7, "LedgerView");
CrystalMultiLdgerReports cmr = new CrystalMultiLdgerReports();
.ReportSource = cmr;

The above is works fine but problem is that it's take a time. Which is genuine reason and it is being asked here.

Answers (8)