darma teja

darma teja

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On click event to asp:Literal button

Mar 3 2015 5:25 AM
Hi All,

I have an asp:Literal in my aspx page.

<asp:Literal ID="testbtn" runat="server"></asp:Literal>

In c# code, I have added a button to above "testbtn" and wrote a click event in javascript(this event shows a form).

  testbtn.Text = String.Concat
                                "<input id=\"btnT\" type=\"button\" value=\"",
                                "SHOW", "\" ",
                                "class=\"input\" style=\"cursor:pointer;\" onclick=\"javascriptFunctionName" />"

Now I want to add one more functionality to this click event. That means, when user clicks this button I have to save an empty txt file to relative  path in my local system.

How can I do it?

Advance thanks,

Answers (2)