Hello Team,
In my product dataTable I have status with column which represent Active and Inactive and when I want to update the column this error popup saying object reference not set, kindly help.
public JsonResult SaveProduct(ProductViewModel productModel) { ASPNETMASTERPOSTEntities db = new ASPNETMASTERPOSTEntities(); var result = false; try { tblCategory category = new tblCategory(); if (productModel.tblCategory.CategoryId > 0) { category = db.tblCategories.Where(x => x.CategoryId == productModel.tblCategory.CategoryId).FirstOrDefault<tblCategory>(); } else { category.CategoryName = productModel.tblCategory.CategoryName; if (productModel.tblCategory.CategoryId <= 0) db.tblCategories.Add(category); db.SaveChanges(); category.CategoryId = productModel.tblCategory.CategoryId; } tblProduct product = new tblProduct(); if (productModel.ProductId > 0) { product = db.tblProducts.Where(a => a.ProductId == productModel.ProductId).FirstOrDefault(); } product.ProductName = productModel.ProductName; product.CategoryId = productModel.tblCategory.CategoryId; if (productModel.ProductId <= 0) { db.tblProducts.Add(product); }
db.SaveChanges(); result = true;
} catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);