Henry Jones

Henry Jones

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Null function pointer... how do I do this in C#?

Nov 25 2005 12:05 AM
Hi Friends.......

OSINT waitmode,
OSINT port,
OSINT info,
struct x25data OSDTPTR facility,
struct x25data OSDTPTR udata,
char OSDTPTR remote,
char OSDTPTR local,
void (OSFNPTR post)(struct x25doneinfo *)

I beleive I have almost got it... but not quite. I find the last part
(the void (OSFNPTR post)(struct x25doneinfo *) ) confusing...

So far, I have:

public static extern int x25xcall
ref int cid,
int waitmode,
int port,
int info,
ref x25data facility,
ref x25data udata,
ref char remote,
ref char local,
plz tell me how to convert the last parameter which is null function pointer which takes struct object as a parameter.
I write The Delegate for the same
The delehgate is

public struct x25doneinfo
public int xi_len;
public string xi_buf;
public int xi_cid;
public int xi_cmd;
public int xi_info;
public int xi_retcode;
public PostDelgate post;
//[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.AsAny)] object xi_ref;
x25doneinfo doneinfo = new x25doneinfo() ;
public delegate void PostDelgate(ref x25doneinfo doneInfo );

But when i Call The function x25xcall it gives Error
Object Reference Not Set.....

intCall =x25xcall( 0, 0, 1 , 0,ref sFacil ,ref sUdata , null, null, post) ;

Plz Help
