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NP136 what is the meaning of it?

Aug 25 2008 7:08 AM

Hi Guys


NP136 what is the meaning of it?


In the following program elements in the bracket of String.Format() method (highlighted in yellow) can be unerstood as follows:


0 – Position of the variable

f – Floating point

3 – Number of digits


10 – What is the meaning of it?


Please explain the reason.


Thank you


using System;


class MainClass


    public static void Main()


        float myFloat = 1234.56789f;


        string myString8 = String.Format("{0, 10:f3}", myFloat);


        Console.WriteLine("String.Format(\"{0, 10:f3}\", myFloat) = " + myString8);




String.Format("{0, 10:f3}", myFloat) =   1234.568



Answers (8)