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NP130 StringBuilder

Aug 22 2008 7:19 PM

Hi Guys


NP130 StringBuilder


In the following program Console.WriteLine() method (highlighted in yellow) is only giving 'test' output, one can say because sb.Length = 4; method is giving truncated output.    


But in the next step output even though sb.Length = 20; Console.WriteLine() method (highlighted in blue) is only giving 'test           ' output. Why is it truncating the string?   


Please explain the reason.


Thank you


using System;

using System.Text;


class MainClass


    public static void Main()


        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("test string");

        int length = 0;


        length = sb.Length;

        Console.WriteLine("The result is: '{0}'", sb);

        Console.WriteLine("The length is: {0}", length);


        sb.Length = 4;

        length = sb.Length;

        Console.WriteLine("The result is: '{0}'", sb);

        Console.WriteLine("The length is: {0}", length);


        sb.Length = 20;

        length = sb.Length;

        Console.WriteLine("The result is: '{0}'", sb);

        Console.WriteLine("The length is: {0}", length);




The result is: 'test string'

The length is: 11

The result is: 'test'

The length is: 4

The result is: 'test                '

The length is: 20


Answers (2)