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NP111 function of “this”

Aug 1 2008 8:52 AM

Hi Guys


NP111 function of “this


Following program is in the above website. Even though this (highlighted in green in the program) is not there that means   


public Book Book


get { return book; }



program is producing similar result. Please explain significant of this.



Thank you


using System;

using System.Collections;


namespace Events


    public delegate void AddBookEventHandler(object source, BookEventArgs e);


    public class Book


        private string title;

        private string isbn;

        private decimal price;


        public Book(string title, string isbn, decimal price)


            this.title = title;

            this.isbn = isbn;

            this.price = price;



        public string Title


            get { return this.title; }


        public string ISBN


            get { return this.isbn; }


        public decimal Price


            get { return this.price; }




    public class BookShop


        private ArrayList books;

        private string name;

        public event AddBookEventHandler AddBook;


        public BookShop(string name)


            books = new ArrayList();

   = name;



        protected void OnAddBook(BookEventArgs e)


            if (AddBook != null)

                AddBook(this, e);



        public void AddNewBook(Book book)



            BookEventArgs e = new BookEventArgs(book);





    public class BookEventArgs : EventArgs


        private Book book;


        public BookEventArgs(Book book)


   = book;



        public Book Book


            get { return; }




    public class Notifier


        public void instance_AddBook(object source, BookEventArgs e)


            Console.WriteLine("A Message has been sent to the Members\n" + " regarding the book '{0}' with the ISBN '{1}'\n", e.Book.Title, e.Book.ISBN);




    //The Sys Class is the application that uses all the above classes.

    //Let's look at the code:


    public class Sys


        public static void Main()


            BookShop bookShop = new BookShop(".NET Bookshop");


            Book b1 = new Book("The Right Way", "123456789", 19.90m);

            Book b2 = new Book("The .NET Stuff", "987654321", 29.90m);


            Notifier notify = new Notifier();


            bookShop.AddBook += new










A Message has been sent to the Members

 regarding the book 'The Right Way' with the ISBN '123456789'


A Message has been sent to the Members

 regarding the book 'The .NET Stuff' with the ISBN '987654321'


Answers (2)